The Lundy Field Society (LFS) comprises a group of highly skilled experts and ordinary people all of whom share a common passion; their love for Lundy. The society currently has around 500 members and numbers gradually continue to increase. Areas of study, originally around birds, have expanded to cover all aspects of Lundy’s terrestrial and marine natural history as well as archaeology and geology for which society research grants are available.
The LFS have published an Annual Report since 1946, a Newsletter (later Bulletin) since 1975, and a peer-reviewed Journal of scientific papers since 2008. Members receive copies of all these publications, are invited to an Annual General Meeting, can volunteer for subsidized island conservation working parties, and attend an occasional “Discover Lundy” island-based fieldwork and social week.
Full information on the work and activities of the LFS and how to join can be found at:
The LFS was formed in May 1946, following an exchange of letters between Martin Coles Harman (MCH) and Lesley Arthur Harvey. MCH generously donated the use of the derelict Old Light as the Society’s headquarters from where all activities developed. Harman, Harvey and the Old Light are all depicted on the high-value pair of stamps together with Soay sheep and a wheatear. Soay were introduced by MCH and studied annually, wheatears are also subject to a long-term LFS study.
Diving is a major activity around the island and the middle stamps feature a diver, Atlantic Grey Seal, Spiny Lobster, Sea Fans and the Kelp forest. The Society’s members were heavily involved in the designation of Lundy as the U.K.’s first Marine Conservation Zone.
The lowest value pair of stamps illustrates the whole of the East side of the island and a group in an educational setting in front of the Marisco Castle. Education, archaeology and natural history are all objectives that have occupied the Society over these last 75 years.
The new stamps will be issued on 8 May 2021, in three se-tenant pairs and highlight a variety of activities the society carry out on the island: Education, research and studies of nature and history.

Values and content are as follows:
65 + 65 puffin: Marisco Castle and island scenery
90 + 90 puffin: Lundy underwater scenery
175 + 175 puffin: Lundy Field Society founders and Old Light scenery
The stamps are designed by Lars Liwendahl, our postal and stamp advisor, and artist Sharon Smart, who produced the watercolour artwork. Printing was carried out by Cartor Security Printing S.A. of Meaucé in France.
Derek Green, Lundy General Manager said:
“We’d like to congratulate the Lundy Field Society and wish them well on their 75th anniversary. We hope to be able to welcome them back to Lundy soon to celebrate properly once restrictions relax. Lundy operates the oldest private postal service in the world and since 1929, almost 350 different sets have been issued, some becoming very rare.
The currency unit for Lundy stamps are “Puffins”, which equates to the British Penny and dates back to the days when puffins were in fact used as currency on Lundy ”
Alan Rowland, Lundy Field Society Chairman said:
“The Lundy Field Society is honoured to have its 75th Anniversary commemorated on these unique stamps which depict aspects of the Society's activities. We look forward to continuing our close association with Lundy in anticipation of our centenary in 2046.”
Lars Liwendahl who advises the island on stamp issues said “Lundy has the oldest operational private postal service in the world and international collectors always eagerly await a new issue of Lundy stamps, these beautiful new images will further enhance Lundy’s worldwide reputation.”
Lundy stamps can be ordered by writing to:
Lundy Postal Service, Lundy, Bristol Channel, Bideford, EX39 2LY
Discover Lundy