Experiencing our buildings and their settings
A History Album for each Landmark summarises this information for the interest of those who stay there, or anyone else interested in the properties. Each building is also illuminated by its own specific collection of carefully chosen books, along with the history of its locality. Many have booklets specially written for the children who also stay there, so as to encourage them to discover the building and its absorbing history for themselves at their own level.
Information detailing the history and restoration of all of our Landmarks can be found in our history albums.
Read the history albums
At regular Open Days, we provide free access for all, with free sheets summarising the building's history, and information sheets for children are also usually available. Where possible, Open Days are timed to coincide with other local events. Increasingly, we also work with local schools and other groups to include them in learning about and enjoying our buildings.
View the full list of Open Days and events
We try to educate a still wider audience through our publications - our Handbook (which gives a detailed account of each of Landmark's buildings); our twice yearly newsletter; our email updates and our website, rich in the history of our buildings.
Our schools programmes
Increasingly, we also work with local schools and other groups, to include them in learning about and enjoying our variety of properties.
Visit our Schools page to get involved