Landmark Futures

Inspiring educational stays

Our Futures scheme provides free Landmark stays aimed at groups of four or more people for academic purposes: study, discussion, teaching, field study or writing. 

What is Futures?

Launched in 2017, Futures is designed to enable groups of students, academics or researchers to come togther to advance their work in one of Landmark's historic buildings. Landmark provides the accommodation and those staying are responsible for travel and subsistence costs.

Students across many disciplines have benefitted from the scheme including: astrophysicists, behavioural scientists, botanists, journalists, policy makers, geologists, historians and creative writers. 

Previous recipients have found Landmark's peaceful surroundings the ideal setting to spark those 'lightbulb' moments and allow valuable uninterrupted time together with colleagues. 

Applications open soon

We're pleased to announce that applications for Futures 2024/25 will open on Monday 23 September 2024. Sign up to the Futures list to receive updates and information on how to apply. 

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Futures 2023/24

The latest recipients

Following a record number of applications, ten universities were offered a free stay to advance their work in a unique way in 2024.  

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Previous Futures recipients

Read about the groups who received a stay in 2022/23 and their projects.

Futures 2022/23 recipients included a study into high blood pressure, a Scottish archeology legacy project, health and wellbeing study for over 75's and Disaster Ethics planning.

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