Frequently asked questions

  • Why does the Landmark Trust need your support?

    The Landmark Trust is a registered charity that relies on voluntary donations to carry out its work rescuing historic buildings in jeopardy. The cost of acquiring, restoring and furnishing new Landmarks is wholly dependent on the donations we receive from individuals, grant-giving trusts and occasionally other bodies such as English Heritage, Cadw, Historic Scotland, and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
    The rescue of each Landmark requires an initial huge injection of funds, anywhere from £50,000 to over £1 million, which must be secured before restoration can begin. Once restored, the income from letting the Landmark pays for its upkeep and provides a secure future for the building.
    Every donation, whatever its size, is very much appreciated.
  • How can I support Landmark?

    You can make a donation by visiting the Support Us section of the website, or clicking any “Donate Now” button to give securely online. Your gift, no matter what size, will help ensure that our architectural heritage has a secure future. Thank you.
    If you are interesting in becoming more closely involved with Landmark in your support, please see Ways of giving to find out more about becoming a Friend, Patron, or a Guardian of one of our projects. We would also be delighted to discuss the options for your support, and answer any queries. Please telephone the Development Office on 01628 825920 to speak to one of our team.
    Similarly, if you would like to donate over the phone with a credit or debit card, please call 01628 825920 and we would be happy to help.
    To donate by post, please send a cheque made payable to “The Landmark Trust” or provide us with your card details. Our address is:
    Development Office
    The Landmark Trust
    SL6 3SW
  • What is Gift Aid and will my donation qualify for it?

    The Gift Aid scheme applies to gifts of money from individuals who pay UK tax. Essentially, Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. We are able to reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on the donation’s ‘gross’ equivalent; the amount before the basic rate was deducted. The basic rate of tax is 20 per cent. If you donate £10 using Gift Aid it is actually worth £12.50 to us.
    In order to give a donation to us with Gift Aid you will need to make a Gift Aid declaration, which involves completing and signing a simple form. This will then cover all subsequent donations that you might make to us, as well as those that you have already made. If you would like a Gift Aid form, please contact Laura Webb on 01628 825920, or via email at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can download one.
    For more information on Gift Aid, or if you are concerned about whether you pay enough tax to cover Gift Aid on a donation, please see the HMRC Gift Aid webpage.
    Please remember to notify us if you no longer pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax equal to the tax we receive as Gift Aid on your donations.
  • Can I donate to a specific project?

    Of course. We are very happy to receive a donation that is allocated to particular project that we are fundraising for at the time. Alternatively, if you wish to donate to Landmark’s work as a whole, this is most welcome as we will be able to direct your support to the area of greatest need.
    Please see our Current Appeals page for more information on the projects that we are working on at present.
  • I make a regular donation to the Landmark Trust. Who do I contact to make changes to this?

    For all queries regarding a regular donation, such as by Direct Debit and Standing Order, please contact Theresa Jones in our Development Office, on 01628 825920, or email [email protected].
  • How do I leave a gift to the Landmark Trust in my Will?

    For queries about giving in your will, please contact Mrs Linda Millard, our Legacies Manager, on 01628 825920 or by email at [email protected], and she will be happy to help. There is also some more information on giving a gift in your Will to Landmark on our Gifts in Wills page, where you can download our Legacy Guide.
  • How do I find out about Landmark’s current appeals?

    Please visit our Current Appeals page, which provides detailed information about the projects that we are fundraising for at present. If you would like to discuss a particular appeal, please phone the Development Office on 01628 825920.
  • Does the Landmark Trust accept Gifts in Kind, such as furniture or art?

    We are always looking for furniture and other such items to fill our Landmarks and very gratefully accept gifts of this sort. Gifts can range from the large to the small, such as bed frames and china. If you would like to discuss donating any such items to us, please contact the Development Office on 01628 825920 to talk to one of the team.
  • Can I leave you my house?

    Yes, we welcome this at Landmark. In addition to the buildings that are let on a short term holiday basis, there are a growing number of properties which form part of our ‘estate’ portfolio, and are let on a more long term basis. Both options provide valuable income and custodianship for treasured homes. Some individuals leave us the freedom to decide what is best at the time of the gift, including the option to sell a property, with proceeds being used to rescue buildings at risk.
    We are unable to make a building inalienable (i.e. we cannot undertake never to sell it, but would only do so in extreme circumstances) but equally we do not ask for an endowment to accompany the gift. Some people choose to leave a sum of money too, to be spent on the building or to be used in other ways, which is always most welcome but it is not a pre-requisite for us accepting the gift.
    Ideally, Landmark would like to be given as much flexibility as possible, but we appreciate that each case is different and that is why we like the opportunity to discuss the options and gain an understanding of your wishes and intentions. To discuss this privately and in confidence, please contact Linda Millard, our Legacies Manager on 01628 825920.
  • What should I do if I have a complaint about the Landmark Trust’s fundraising practice?

    We would like to hear if you are unsatisfied at all with any aspect of our fundraising. In the first instance, please contact Bruce Hall, Head of Development on 01628 825920 or via email at [email protected] to raise your concerns.