Feedback from previous beneficiaries

Anglia Ruskin University, Global Sustainability Institute, staying at Cavendish Hall, Suffolk 

Dispersed researchers studying sustainability planned a writing retreat where all attendees wrote at least one publication.

"The Futures stay gave me the protected time and space to immerse myself in my research away from the every-day demands of my job, something which is a rare luxury. Being able to do this alongside likeminded others has allowed me to write considerably more than I would otherwise have been able to do ‘in the office’ – it has engaged me much more thoroughly with the task at hand" - Nicola, Senior Lecturer in Education

Imperial College, London, Department of Life Sciences, staying at Wortham Manor, Devon

PhD and Postdoctoral students from the Forest Ecology and Conservation Group worked on a joint research article on deforestation in the tropics.

"The Futures scheme provided a great opportunity for many of our lab group to be in one place as we all have extended field seasons in Malaysia and collaborate with other Institutions. All of our research is along a similar theme, understanding the impact of deforestation and land use change. Their feedback on statistical analysis and writing is second to none and brilliant to get immediately and be able to discuss it...the lack of WiFi aided me in focussing on writing without many other distractions" - Clare, final year PhD student


University of Liverpool, Go Higher (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Department) staying at Cavendish Hall, Suffolk

Mature students lacking traditional entry qualifications but wishing to embark upon undergraduate study participated in a taught study weekend examining the history of the domestic interior and its relationship to the public world, focusing specifically on the writing of Suffolk poet George Crabbe. 

"It was fascinating to explore George Crabbe poetry within a similar house and setting in which it would have been written. During the stay we had group readings of his poetry...this brought the poetry to life in an entirely new way bringing deeper levels of understanding, leading to interesting and critical discussions afterwards. This I feel was directly as a result of being within the similar environment where the poetry would have been originally crafted as well as read. I am also considering studying history at degree level, so the experience of eating a meal based on original regency recipes, eaten completely by candle light in the grand dining room of Cavendish Hall was like living history rather than just reading it" - Mark, studying for Go Higher Access Diploma, University Access course


Queen Margaret University, Department of Media, Communication and Performing Arts Department, staying at No.2 Shore Cottages, Caithness

MA Arts Management in Practice students exploring rural Scottish cultural organisations; visiting Timespan, Northlands Creative and local studios. They experienced the creativity taking place outside of urban contexts and examined the realities of how to manage these organisations, giving them a fuller understanding of the field.

"The stay in Berriedale gave my fellow researches and I the ability to feel “at home” during our research process. The beautiful Shore Cottages gave us a warm and comfortable home base that was in excellent proximity to our research subjects. Without the stay, or had we stayed elsewhere, we would not have been able to research properly as we would have experienced great discomfort and exhaustion throughout our journey. Also, being students, the ability to stay in such lovely accommodations at no cost made the rest of our journey financially feasible. I am incredibly thankful for my Futures stay" - Lucy, M.A. student


Swansea University, Department of History, staying at Sant’ Antonio, Tivoli

MA Heritage students examined Italian approaches to heritage preservation, visiting Villa Adriana, Temple of Sibyl, Villa d’Este and nearby churches. This practical knowledge of international heritage informed their proposals for ‘Interpretation of the local past’. 

"Being able to stay so close to two world heritage sites has proved invaluable to my understanding of both heritage in Italy, and heritage as an academic subject. Having the opportunity to see first-hand sites has provided a more practical basis to move forward...Sant' Antonio was thought provoking and beautiful, and a real treat to have stayed in such a lovely place" -  Oliver, M.A. student